SoSoIntoItAcademy of Clothing Design is a training provider of non-formal, practical, short, hobbyist, skills and own business courses. Our courses are not accredited. They are not on the NQF and not based on any Unit Standards. The Academy is not Registered with the Department of Higher Education.
To do one of our courses you need a real interest in sewing, pattern making and clothing design. You don’t need any prior learning or experience or training. You need to be able to read and understand our training materials. So you need about Grade 7 level English.
View our course calendar CLICK HERE to see the start days of our courses. CLICK HERE to view our Course fees. Our students are welcome to visit our studio before they enrol in one of our courses. CLICK HERE for information on how to visit our studio. CLICK HERE to Book an appointment with your lecturer to answer all your questions.